Thursday, February 27, 2020

Nanyang Technology University and Management theories Essay

Nanyang Technology University and Management theories - Essay Example As to Bedeian (1993), the Hawthorne Studies developed an onset focus on how the employees can be motivated through the approaches used by the management in human relationship. After Hawthorne Studies, a lot of related studies had been conducted by many researches that tried to explain how people from the organization can be best motivated and why motivation of employees is needed (Terpstra, 1979). According to Smith (1994), people from the organization must be motivated for survival; since, employees help the organization to survive. It comes to the point wherein managers like me must understand the need of the people in the organization to ensure that the employees are well-motivated. However, according to Bowen & Radhakrishna (1991), motivating the employees can be the most complex among the many functions of the managers, as people differences occur and needs and interests among individuals in the organization greatly exist. Comparing the needs of younger people and those that grow old in the organization, the younger people tend to be well-motivated with remuneration increases than that of the older ones. As people grows older, challenges in work beco mes more of a motivator than money per se (Kovach, 1987). However, when the managers learn the skills needed in motivating people in the organization, the benefits in the organization can be fully achieved. According to Cranfield School of Management 'Leading and motivating the [your] staff helps bring about' (2008, n.p.): Higher staff retention - A well-motivated person in the organization will not intend to leave the organization as they achieve satisfactions on the organization itself. This in return leads to the reduction of recruitment costs. Management must bear in mind that a person lost in the organization is a skill and time lost of the organization. Higher levels of productivity- The organization benefits from well-motivated people as the people level of productivity is increased. The saying goes that people whose needs and integrity are uplifted work harder than those who are less motivated. More innovation and creativity- People in the organization who are well-motivated to work due to a better understanding of their needs and interests led them to accept better changes and guide them to be more innovative and creative. Higher profits- This is a by-product of increase in production and more innovative and creative people in the organization. A better reputation - A well-established organization brought about by well-motivated people create a better reputation in the industry and trust is built from the points of view of the business world. Understanding the Management Theories In order to fully understand people, the management must understand the different theories behind managing people in the organization. These theories may guide the management to the implementation of the organizations missions and visions in accordance to their programs; as well as these theories may help them to fully evaluate the organization's strengths and weaknesses in terms people management. As I have studied the different th

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Generic Strategies of Sony Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Generic Strategies of Sony - Case Study Example This magnetic tape recorder evolved from G-Type to Model P which became the company's first profitable product. In 1957, Sony released the world's first pocket transistor radio, establishing a market leadership position for the company. The founding fathers were circumspect and did not gloat on their initial success. They sagaciously went about their work to create the global monolith with concentration and zeal. It took decades to transform the company from a small sized enterprise to what it is today. The company's first product was rice cooker. It established its first overseas operation with a capital investment of $500,000 in New York City. It also became the first Japanese firm in the United States to make public offering of two million shares of common stock in the form of American Depository Receipts (ADRs) in 1961. Morita was the driving force for the Walkman personal stereo in the late 1970s. The Walkman was a player and it did not receive enthusiastic response in the market in the initial stages. But the product's compact size and sound quality soon set the benchmark for a revolutionary market demand. Sony introduced the color television named "Trinitron" in 1968. And in 1972, the company set its first manufacturing in San Diego, California, in the United States. ... But the product's compact size and sound quality soon set the benchmark for a revolutionary market demand. Sony introduced the color television named "Trinitron" in 1968. And in 1972, the company set its first manufacturing in San Diego, California, in the United States. It was also the first Japanese manufacturing facility in the United States. Its presence in the United States helped to rapidly transform its operations and come out with several gadgets in the entertainment industry. The charged coupled device or CCD, the initial avatar of the camcorder and digital still camera was developed by Kazuo Iwama, president of Sony from 1976. Iwama died in 1982 but he lived to see the launch of the compact disc player, an innovation that changed the way people listened to music. From 1982 to 1995, Norio Ohga steered Sony into the modern age with product planning, stylish product design and innovative marketing. More was to follow with records and the movies. Sony took over CBS Records in 1988 and Columbia Pictures in 1989, two of the world's largest content producers. These form Sony Music Entertainment (SME) and Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) today. SME has featured Michael Jackson, Bruce Springsteen, Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, and Pearl Jam. Top rating films such as Sleepless in Seattle, Jumanji, Air Force One, Men in Black and Stuart Little have been produced by SPE. In 1994, the Sony PlayStation game console was launched in Japan. With PlayStation2, Sony has become the most successful game manufacturer in the world. Nobuyuki Idei, the present Chairman and CEO, is responsible for moving Sony into the digital network era. He set Sony's business model by augmenting Sony's core competencies with business partnerships with other companies. Sony